How can the program help your child?
KidStart is a 1-to-1 mentoring program in Campbell River (and area) and the Comox Valley that is designed for children and youth aged 6-12 who are struggling (not doing well at school, at home or in the community and have the potential to become at-risk). Volunteer mentors spend a minimum of 3 hours per week for a year or longer with their mentees doing recreational activities (hiking, baking, crafts, swimming, etc). Many matches continue into the teen years.
100% of children and youth involved in KidStart for a year or longer report it has a positive impact on their self-esteem and confidence. Mentors make a big difference in the lives of the children they are matched with. Children and youth that are linked to mentors are more likely to complete school, develop healthy relationships with peers and family, and less likely to initiate alcohol and drug use.
Frequently asked questions
and our best answersQuestion
What is the purpose of KidStart?
Your child will be paired with an adult volunteer mentor who they will see for 3 or more hours per week of fun. The mentor’s role is to develop a supportive relationship, be a consistent positive role model, and encourage participation in recreational activities that let your child experience success and gain self-confidence. The time they spend together will give your child new and exciting experiences and the opportunity to relate to someone outside of the family.
Can we be involved in choosing the mentor for my child?
Yes. The KidStart Coordinators involve parents, guardians and potential mentees extensively in choosing just the right mentor. Age, interests, location and personality of both the mentee and mentor are collaboratively considered before making an introduction. Parents, guardians and potential mentees decide if the program is right for them and if they would like to continue.
What is my role as a parent/guardian?
To meet with the John Howard KidStart Coordinator to discuss the program, answer questions and sign permission slips. For younger children it is also helpful for families to remind them of KidStart times.
Who makes arrangements for outings?
The volunteer mentor will arrange a time that is good for you both. The mentor will pick up your child and drop him or her off.
What will the volunteer mentor and my child do together?
They will spend 3 or more hours together every week doing activities like visiting the park, sports, baking, walking the dog or crafts. KidStart staff encourage mentors to look for free or low cost activities that interest both mentors and mentees.
Will my child be safe with the volunteer mentor?
Yes. Volunteer mentors are thoroughly screened and interviewed by John Howard staff. Mentors must provide four references, driver’s abstract, 2 criminal record checks (1 from the RCMP and 1 from the BC Ministry of Justice), 3 interviews and a home assessment. KidStart also provides ongoing training, support and weekly supervision to volunteer mentors.
Is there a cost involved?
There is no fee and John Howard KidStart volunteer mentors are encouraged to keep expenses to a minimum.
Is KidStart a form of counselling?
No. This program is not counselling or social work. Volunteers are positive role models and additional supports for your child as she or he grows up.
Is there a waitlist and how long does the program go on for?
Yes. In the Comox Valley it’s a 6 month to 2 year wait and in the Campbell River area it is a 2 year to 5 year wait. The good news is that mentees and their families love being involved in the program, so it’s well worth the wait. Many matches continue until children graduate from the program at age 18, and some develop in to lifelong friendships.
How do I refer my child to KidStart?
Referrals for KidStart typically come from professionals (counsellors, teachers, support workers, EA’s, social workers, etc.) connected to a child or family. If you would like to refer your child, please have a professional fill out the referral form and email to or fax to 250-286-3650 in Campbell River, or 250-338-6568 in the Comox Valley.