Frequently asked questions

and our best answers.

Do you have housing for me?

No, but we can assist you to look for housing. This may include helping you complete the rental application and viewing the listing.

Will you pay all my rent?

No, we can only pay part of your rent.

How long can I get a supplement for?

This depends, these are short term supplements to help you through a difficult time and get back on your feet. We will explore other options to move towards independence so you can afford a place to live ongoing.

What do I need to provide to get a supplement?

You will need to provide proof of income (last 60 days bank statement, 3 most recent pay stubs, MSDSI confirmation or tax return). You need to have proof of stable housing that you are living or moving into (rental agreement, letter from landlord if you have lived there over 12 months). Depending on your situation you may be required to provide further documentation to qualify (medical note, probation letter confirming leaving prison in last 60 days).

Do I automatically keep getting a rent supplement once I'm approved?

No, each month you must meet with the worker to determine if you need an ongoing supplement and follow through with your plan to move towards independence of living without a supplement.

Can you help with hydro?

Yes, you will have to bring in your notice of disconnect or your power bill that indicates how much you have owing.

Do I get the money directly?

No the cheque will be made out to the landlord or utilities company. You will have to pick up the cheque and take it to your landlord.


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