Frequently asked questions
and our best answers.
How long will I have to stay at the program?
Compass is 6 months and you will be expected to complete the full six months.
Can I go on home visits?
We encourage youth to return to their home communities to “practice” the new skills and strengths they’ve developed while at program. Planning a home visit requires consultation with your Probation Officer, Youth Counsellor, and the person(s) who will be responsible for you on your visit. Your Youth Counsellor will also help you organize who will cover the travel costs associated with your visit.
How can I stay connected with family & friends?
You and your Probation Officer will work together to create a list of approved people you can have phone contact with while at program. You can also apply to have your family come visit you while in program. Planning for family to visit you will require consultation with your Probation Office, Youth Counsellor, and family members.
Can I bring my cell phone, MP3, Xbox, or other electronic devices?
No. You will not have access to any electronic devices while you are at program. We request that you leave these items at home. If you bring them to program with you, they will be inventoried and kept in a locked filing cabinet in the Program Manager’s office.
Can I check social media or email while I’m at program?
No. Access to the internet is limited to school projects and employment searches only.
Can I smoke?
Yes. You will be provided with breaks to smoke during day program as well as having a designated outdoor smoking area at your care home.
What if I want to leave the program?
We will work with you and your Probation Officer to arrange safe travel back to your home community. We will encourage you to speak with your Probation Officer about what the potential consequences of leaving the program early might be, but ultimately, if you choose to leave we will support you in getting home safely.