Frequently asked questions
and our best answers.
How do I receive service from the behaviour consultant?
Referrals are usually made by the resource social worker when a new foster parent is ready to begin fostering and whenever new foster children are placed in the home. Sometimes the resource social worker will make a referral for increased support for existing placements if needed. At ANY time the foster parent is welcome to make a self-referral for support by contacting the behaviour consultant directly.
Are the services offered by the behaviour consultant only about the foster children in my home?
Generally the focus is about the foster placements in your home, however the behaviour consultant can be helpful in any way that supports or maintains foster placements. This could include:
- Challenges with other family members in the home that affect the foster children
- Helping foster parents identify any extra support or training needs
- Supporting communication with MCFD
- Attending meetings with MCFD or community partners like school, physician, etc.
The behaviour consultant to caregiver program also offers regular group get-togethers and occasional training opportunities for foster parents on a variety of relevant topics.