Frequently asked questions

and our best answers.

Is it just for youth or adults also?

It is usually just for youth (up to 19).

How much is the rent?

Check with the coordinator for the current rent. It is usually paid directly to the program by a social worker (MCFD), but sometimes young people may have another kind of financial assistance. 

How big are the suites?

They are bachelor suites with a small kitchen and dining area, a living room/sleeping space and a separate washroom with a sink, tub and shower.

What is included in the rent?

The rent includes use of the fully furnished suite (kitchenware, microwave, toaster, kettle, fridge/freezer, stove/oven, bed, etc.) electricity, WiFi and a laundry room.

Do residents have to meet with the Barnett House Coordinator?

Yes. More often in the beginning. Once you are settled in and doing well, you can meet as little as once a week. The check in meeting usually happens in your unit.

What are the rules?

Basically they are to respect the other residents and the program, to stick to the commitments you make about school or work and to not do anything illegal. There is no curfew for residents, but only 1 visitor at a time. Visitors must leave by 11 pm on school nights and 12 am Friday and Saturday night (unless you have permission). No drugs and alcohol are allowed on the property. No smoking inside the suites. No pets.

What kind of help do you get?

That depends on your needs and goals. Most people want help with things like banking, budgeting, shopping, cleaning and eating healthy. School is a top priority for us, so we can always help with that.

Do Barnett House residents have group meetings/activities?

Residents are encouraged to get to know one another. Group meetings are sometimes set up to share important information or get everyone’s opinion on something. We also plan fun activities or group meals from time to time. We would love to see everyone at these events, but you don’t have to come.

How long can you stay at Barnett House?

It depends on what you need, but 6 to 9 months is probably the average.

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